It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast
It's The Mission, Not The Mandates: Defining The Purpose Of Public Education, By Amy Fast. Eventually, you will certainly uncover a new experience and also knowledge by spending even more money. But when? Do you assume that you have to acquire those all requirements when having significantly money? Why don't you attempt to get something easy in the beginning? That's something that will lead you to understand more regarding the world, adventure, some areas, past history, enjoyment, and also a lot more? It is your very own time to continue reading routine. Among the publications you can delight in now is It's The Mission, Not The Mandates: Defining The Purpose Of Public Education, By Amy Fast below.

It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast

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This book invites a conversation among stakeholders of public education and conveys the need for a common vision for America’s public schools. Amy Fast argues that we have never had a clear purpose for our schools and that now, more than ever, educators in America ache for a more inspiring purpose than simply improving results on standardized assessments. Fast asserts how focusing on the mission instead of simply the mandates and measures is how real change occurs. Until we have a common and transparent purpose that serves to inspire those in the trenches of the work, reform in public education will continue to flounder. Through the examination of our past and current priorities for American schools, Fast uncovers a nobler purpose that will intrinsically move educators as well as students to be inspired in their work. In turn, it is this inspiration—not another silver bullet reform—that will lead to meaningful change in society.
It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast - Amazon Sales Rank: #437885 in Books
- Published on: 2015-11-17
- Released on: 2015-11-17
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.99" h x .46" w x 6.01" l, .60 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 150 pages
It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast Review Dr. Amy Fast engages teachers and leaders in profound reflection and analysis of their personal beliefs, actions, and practices in order to awaken student learning and lead the way in transforming education. (Davey Altree, new teacher mentor)Fast's book demands that we move beyond the "what" and the "how" of schooling - these often convoluted by accountability measures - and instead turn to each other in conversation about our moral imperatives. Her book provides provocative questions that can move education forward if educators and the general public have the courage to engage in thoughtful discourse. (Angela Peery, EdD, national consultant and author, Leadership and Learning Center)Dr. Amy Fast raises critical questions about public education in America, including whether it is teachers’ sense of purpose or the educational mandates that make the difference. The nature of Dr. Fast’s argument will provoke both thought and emotion. She helps us to reflect on and see more clearly why we do what we do. (Kyra Donovan, director, McMinnville School District; professional development associate at The Leadership and Learning Center)Dr. Fast’s informed perspective comes from the heart and trenches of education as she continues to work in schools as a teacher and professional developer. Her analysis provides insight into a complex system, and her arguments will move readers to change the narrative about America’s schools. (Veronica Chase, teacher and professional development specialist)
About the Author Dr. Amy Fast is a teacher, instructional coach, professional developer, and educational leader for the McMinnville School District in Oregon. Amy’s goal is to inspire students, teachers, and educational leaders to find their passion and pursue their purpose.

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Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Dr. Fast Nails It!...An Inspiring and Important Read for Educators, Administrators, and Parents... By Vicki L. Anderson "It's the Mission, Not the Mandates" is a refreshing and inspiring read for anyone interested in improving public education in America. This book provides much needed hope for educators, administrators, policymakers, students, and parents that they can create passion and inspiration for learning in our public schools.Dr. Fast is a passionate educator who expertly articulates the seemingly overwhelming challenges faced by America's educators and administrators. She defines with precision the changes that need to be made to motivate teachers to become exceptional educators and inspire students to do their best, masterfully identifying the "sweet spot" that has the potential to change the trajectory of students' lives and improve the health of our communities.Dr. Fast demonstrates how America's public schools have lost their way and provides a clear path for improving public education, improving students' lives, and improving society. "It is not an exaggeration to say that those in the field of education are in the business of changing the world. Educators know that children are the key to improving society, that they are the future of our communities, and there is no work more important than investing in that future."I especially appreciate that Dr. Fast provides an important and overdue voice for all stakeholders in public education, expressing the concerns of administrators, teachers, and students facing overwhelming pressure to maintain the "laser-like focus" that schools across America are being begged to employ, the problem being when that "laser-like focus" begins to function more like tunnel-vision.Dr. Fast calls out the systematic demoralization of teachers who, day in and day out, try their hardest to do what is best for their students only to be told that they are failing by mandated measures that seem arbitrary. She provides an important voice for students who have been required to sit through what seems like pointless instruction that does not feel relevant to their lives or their futures.She discusses the various expectations that business leaders, politicians, civic leaders, and parents have of public schools, including, but not limited to, preparing students for college, creating responsible citizens to ensure that our country continues to nurture the ideals of freedom and equality; preparing students for the global economy so America can maintain its competitive edge; the need to instill better moral compasses in our children by teaching social skills; self-monitoring strategies; responsibility to the greater good; and a respect for authority. There are others who want schools to provide free child care and free meals, develop students' self-esteem, teach life skills and good work habits to combat the effects of bad parenting, promote good health, and provide vocational preparation.But most importantly, "It's the Mission, Not the Mandates" provides a clear path for improving America's public schools. This book is exceptionally well-written and well-researched, and Dr. Fast is clearly passionate about improving students' lives through inspiring education. Vicki Anderson - Co-Founder of Citizens for Better Schools Foundation/ Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Join the Revolution! By Margaret M. Ridgeway This book is a must read for anyone who has anything to do with education, but especially for those contemplating going into the profession. Unless you are willing to be part of the “revolution” which Dr. Fast suggests, you should walk away. Have no doubt that the descriptions that Dr. Fast portrays in describing the state of education today and the stakeholders involved are overwhelming but highly accurate.Teaching is, or was, a second career for me; one I felt called to do later in life, not only to help young people but also because I wanted to know why so many were failing to become successful. Many people advised me not to do it, but being hardheaded I knew I had to find out for myself. I was determined to work in a school that was failing, because I knew that was where I would find the truth. My experiences in and out of the classroom over the last five years have been an eye opening training in itself. A month ago I walked away from my high school Civics class so disillusioned by a system that seems determined, albeit unintentionally, to destroy itself. I am thankful I found this very inspiring work by Amy Fast.As I read the book, so many memories came flooding in, i.e., being told to focus on the “bubble” students, to manage the classroom by controlling students through rewards and force, being led by well-intentioned administrators whose sole focus had become moving their school performance score up so many points, and too many teachers who were just waiting until they could retire or move to a better school. If teacher apathy wasn’t enough, one of the biggest obstacles I encountered was student apathy that was ingrained by the time they made it to high school. Learning had no purpose for them but was only what they had to do until they moved on to the next class. The advice I always received was to be more engaging, but my question was always “How do I engage young people whose life and educational experiences have left them with no ability or even the desire to self-regulate long enough to be engaged?”The beauty of It’s the Mission, not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, however, is not simply its accuracy, but the fact that it gives hope and strategies for real change. I have argued for much of what Dr. Fast advocates, without much success. The process is not something that will be easy or overnight. As she advises, it will definitely take a full-fledged revolution and not just reformation. It is not something that individual teachers can achieve, because it requires and demands all stakeholders participate. I may not see the end of the war for our children’s future, but I definitely intend to try and be a stirring force that keeps the embers glowing. When I left the classroom, I needed to see in black and white what it takes to make education work and that it can be accomplished. This wonderful book conveys the passion it takes to do this successfully. Thank you Dr. Fast!
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. My husband, who is a Medical Doctor, reviewed It's the Mission, Not the Mandates by Amy Fast By lisa I just completed It's the Mission, Not the Mandates, and my head is still reeling with the similarities between the Medical and Teaching Professions. I have struggled as a doctor, not unlike a teacher, with quality metrics, meaningful use, chasing after and attempting to attain, while the noble purpose of the profession is stymied with such activity. Sir William Osler reminds us "The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head. Often the best part of your work will have nothing to do with potions and powders, but with the exercise of an influence of the strong upon the weak, of the righteous upon the wicked, of the wise upon the foolish.”Dr. Amy Fast tells us on page 96, "Assessments and accountability are not inherently evil. However, when we neglect to start with the why-to lead with our purpose-we can easily lose sight of our mission and think that the measure is the prize to be won. The assessment results are not the prize; the prize is inspired American citizens operating at their full potential."This is a must read, and Amy reminds us how to keep the heart and head in sync to inspire us to reach our full potential, to pursue with purpose and passion. Thank you Amy!
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It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast
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It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast
It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast
It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast
It's the Mission, Not the Mandates: Defining the Purpose of Public Education, by Amy Fast